Indiana Offers Scholarships for Those Pursuing a Teaching Career

The Indiana Commission for Higher Education encourages all aspiring educators who intend to teach in Indiana to look into Indiana’s four scholarship opportunities: Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship, Next Generation Hoosier Minority Educators Scholarship, Earline S. Rogers Student Teaching Scholarship for Minorities, and Student Teaching Scholarship for High-Need Fields.

The deadline for these scholarships is January 31. accepts applications for all four financial assistance possibilities.

“Indiana educators have a critical role in ensuring Hoosier students are prepared for the workforce and postsecondary education,” said Indiana Commissioner for Higher Education Chris Lowery. “These opportunities will encourage more students to pursue a career in education in Indiana, creating a more diverse pipeline of educators in our state.”

Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship

The Next Generation Hoosier Educators grant allows top-performing high school and college students interested in a career in teaching to receive a renewable grant of up to $10,000 per year (up to $40,000 total).

In exchange, students commit to teach for five years at an eligible Indiana school or refund a prorated portion of the award. By April, the commission will have reviewed all applications and notified candidates via email about their scholarship status.

To be eligible for the award, students must fulfill one of the following academic requirements:

  • Rank in the top 20% of their high school graduating class OR
  • Have a top 20th percentile score on the ACT (25) or SAT (1130) OR
  • Have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale

For instructions on how to apply, and for a full list of eligibility requirements, visit the website.

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Next Generation Hoosier Minority Educators Scholarship

The Next Generation Hoosier Minority Educators Scholarship was established in the 2023 legislative session. The parallel program offers Black and Hispanic or Latino applicants up to $10,000 per year (up to $40,000 total) and has the same qualifications as the Next Generation Hoosier Educators program.

Students who qualify for both the Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship and the Next Generation Hoosier Minority Educators Scholarship can only receive one of the scholarships.

Questions can be directed to

Earline S. Rogers Student Teaching Scholarship for Minorities

The Earline S. Rogers Student Teaching Scholarship for Minorities is available to minority students (defined as Black, Hispanic, or Latino) who intend to complete a student teaching or school administration internship as part of their degree requirements during the semester in which they receive the scholarship.

The maximum amount a student can receive is $5,000. Student teaching applications will be given priority.

Student Teaching Scholarship for High-Need Fields

The Student Teaching Scholarship for High-Need Fields is available to students who plan to teach in a high-need field, such as special education (any grade) or middle or high school math, and who will participate in student teaching as part of their degree requirements during the semester in which they receive the scholarship.

The maximum amount a student may receive is up to $4,000.

For questions about state financial aid programs, contact the financial aid support center at (888) 528-4719 or