Tag: ASEM DUO-Sweden Fellowship Program 2024

  • Apply for the ASEM DUO-Sweden Fellowship Program 2024

    Apply for the ASEM DUO-Sweden Fellowship Program 2024

    The DUO-Sweden Fellowship Programme, established in 2010, aims to promote participant exchanges between Sweden and 21 Asian nations.The program involves a balanced exchange of two individuals, one from Sweden and one from an Asian country, in an academic cooperation setting.

    The DUO-Sweden program will run from August 2024 until September 2025. Typically, an educational institution in Sweden applies on behalf of both institutions and people interested in the exchange. Both participating institutions (from Sweden and Asia) work together to organize the exchange program. To participate in exchange programs, individuals need apply through their home institution’s relevant offices.

    The fellowship program is limited to one semester or a maximum of four months, whichever comes first. So, if you are an undergraduate or Master’s student at a university in one of the participating nations, please contact your university administration to learn how to apply.


    Selected participants both from Sweden and Participating Asian countries will receive the following benefits

    • Participants from Asian Institutions will receive 3,500 Euros and 3,500 Euros will be granted to Swedish students in a pair, in high income country.
    • If the Exchange is done with a Middle and Low income country, the Asian student will get 4,000 Euros and the Swedish student get 3,000 Euros.


    To be eligible, you must fulfill the following criteria

    • Candidates must be citizens and residents of the 21 participating Asian countries.
    • Applicants for the program must be undergraduate and graduate students who are currently enrolled in universities.
    • Participants must maintain their students status by the time of application till the time they are engaged in the exchange program.

    The Exchange usually runs on the following principals

    • An educational institution in Sweden and the educational institution in one of the participating Asia countries should hold an academic cooperative arrangement/inter-institutional agreement
    • The host Swedish institution has to select an EU national student, who is sent to the Asian host institution, and the same is done by the Asian institution.


    The program is organized in collaboration between the Swedish home institution and the Asian host institution. The Swedish home institution will apply on behalf of both institutions. Applicants should contact their home university to indicate their interest in participating in the program.

    Your application file, which will be filed at your home university and then submitted by the Swedish home institution on your behalf, must include the following.

    • A fully completed online application Form
    • Copy of cooperation agreement or Memorandum Of Understanding for cooperation between paired institutions in Sweden and Asia OR
    • Declaration of intention to set up new cooperation agreement, signed by Head of Swedish Higher Education Institution
    • The paired applicants’ copy of passport
    • You will also include a copy of your transcripts

    Deadline: May 21, 2024

    To apply, Click here