Tag: biggio center

  • USA: Biggio Center Offering Two Year Programs with Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

    USA: Biggio Center Offering Two Year Programs with Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

    The Biggio Center is offering two programs in the upcoming year to support faculty to engage with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, or SoTL.

    The SoTL Project Development Institute, or SPDI, is a year-long program that will offer selected SoTL Fellows guidance and support to develop their own SoTL project. Participants will work through the entire project development process from refining the research question to designing the study, collecting and analyzing data and writing up the findings for publication. Fellows will meet regularly throughout the year to develop a study, collect and analyze data and write an article for publication in a SoTL journal or a proposal to submit for a SoTL grant. In the group meetings, information and guidance from a range of campus experts and units will be provided.

    We invite faculty applicants who are familiar with SoTL and ready to engage in a research study. This includes individuals or groups of faculty who are familiar with SoTL, have reviewed literature, identified a research question or focus to develop and who will have the opportunity to collect data during the spring semester. Group applicants will each need to submit an individual application and will have the option to name collaborators. Although research questions may evolve through the process, the application requires some forethought on the problem you are hoping to solve in your classes or the question you hope to answer about your students’ learning using evidence-based methods.

    In addition, we invite faculty who are interested in submitting to the special Auburn SoTL issue of the journal Transformative Dialogues to apply. Part of the SPDI program will be focused on supporting faculty in completing their projects, preparing manuscripts and going through the revision process for this special issue. The call for proposals and initial submission form for this journal special issue can be found here.

    The deadline to apply is Aug. 18, and the program will begin the week of Aug. 21.

    Submit an application here.

    Reach out to biggio@auburn.edu with questions.

    Additionally, the Biggio Center Faculty Fellows will facilitate a SoTL faculty learning community, or FLC, reading group that will meet biweekly throughout the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 semesters.

    This FLC will provide an in-depth introduction to the field of SoTL through a selection of readings and discussion for those curious about SoTL but not yet ready to dive in on their own project. This program will give a foundation for participant’s own research and prepare those interested in engaging in the following year’s SPDI program. The objectives are to introduce the topic of SoTL, streamline the SoTL framework, plan SoTL projects, discuss the possible resources, and enhance the SoTL network the participating faculty.

    The SoTL Reading Group welcomes all faculty, SoTL novices and experts, postdocs, and graduate students to bring their expertise as disciplinary scholars and share teaching experience, opinions, and research ideas. No prior experience with SoTL is required.

    The deadline to apply is Aug. 25. Submit an application here.

    Reach out to biggio@auburn.edu with questions.