Tag: Glenwood Baseball-Softball Club

  • Glenwood Baseball-Softball Club is Raising Money for Chris Abbott Scholarship Fund

    Glenwood Baseball-Softball Club is Raising Money for Chris Abbott Scholarship Fund

    T-shirts are being sold by the Glenwood Baseball-Softball Club (GBSC) in order to raise money for the Chris Abbott Scholarship fund.

    The shirts are available with a hoodie, short sleeves, or long sleeves. They are tagged with Abbott’s badge number, “165”.

    Half of the sales will support the Abbott scholarship fund, which was established a year ago.

    “If they want to go beyond high school in their education we want to help provide that opportunity,” Shawn Koehler, the club’s President, said.

    High school seniors who have completed GBSC are eligible to apply for the scholarship. In honor of Abbott’s many contributions to the club and the community, the members agreed to name it after him.

    Following a medical issue in November, the Bellevue police officer passed away.He will always be cherished as a devoted spouse, loving father, kind friend, and committed volunteer.

    Abbott contributed to the fundraising and construction of a concession stand at the Glenwood Community Recreation Complex, which has two indoor bathrooms. Along with building dugouts, he assisted in erecting a new fence around the softball diamond.

    “It’s easy to look at something as, ‘he did this structurally’ but he made a lot of kids feel really good playing sports with their friends and that’s where Chris meant a lot for us,” Koehler said.

    For board member Liz Jensen the scholarship means Abbott’s name will be brought up forever.

    “I just like the fact that his name will continue to be brought up,” Jensen said. “I think that’s important because he needs to be remembered because he was such a great guy and did so much for other people.”