Tag: Researchers

  • Boost Your Science Communication Skills With The Latest Guide For Researchers!

    Boost Your Science Communication Skills With The Latest Guide For Researchers!

    Few scientists take use of the opportunity to inform politicians about significant concerns. An Essential Guide to Science Advocacy, published in the fall, aims to prepare academics to connect with federal and provincial legislators.

    Senator Stanley Kutcher and Quebec’s chief scientist, Rémi Quirion, began the new handbook, which was prepared by Evidence for Democracy with funding from the Fonds de research du Québec.

    “Even after a dozen years as Quebec’s chief scientist, I’m still somewhat taken aback by how naïve some researchers are when it comes to interacting with governing bodies, be it on a national, provincial, or even municipal level,” said Dr. Quirion during a webinar to introduce the handbook.

    It’s a sentiment shared in the corridors of power. MPs such as Maxime Blanchette-Joncas, the Bloc Québécois MP for Rimouski-Neigette-Témiscouata-Les Basques and vice-chair of Parliament’s standing committee on science and research, have begun to speak out on the issue. “The greatest difference between scientists who get heard, and those who don’t, is that those who get heard are the ones who show up,” stated Monsieur Blanchette-Joncas. “Too many researchers are missing out on their chance to be heard.”

    Nonetheless, as a recent study by the Canadian Science Policy Centre demonstrates, scientists and their findings would be warmly welcomed by government policymakers. The poll results were released in a report last October. It demonstrated MPs’ strong willingness to incorporate science and research into the framework of public policy. The paper also proposed appointing a nonpartisan scientific advisor to offer them with timely, accessible, and clear science-based knowledge for use in their jobs.

    A Useful Guide

    The report was also made accessible in French, “because we want to see more Quebecers and Francophones involved in the dialogue on issues of science policymaking,” said Julie Dirwimmer, senior advisor, science and society interactions, in the office of the chief scientist of Québec.

    The guide focuses on three primary topics: an overview of governments and the policymaking process, how to inform policy, and persuasive communication.

    Including the summary may seem like overkill, but as Senator Rosa Galvez knows, you can’t assume people understand government. She tries to do her share to demystify the inner workings of the government by posting information about navigating the legislative process to her website. Senator Galvez, a former faculty member in the civil and water engineering department at Université Laval, understands what it’s like to be on the other side. “It’s important to familiarize yourself with the legislative process, because otherwise, you’re flying blind,” she told me.

    Part two of the guide provides several entry points for scientists to better connect and engage with policymakers, such as viewing meetings as opportunities to build relationships rather than as transactions, or participating in pre-budget consultations by preparing a pre-budget proposal. Dr. Quirion feels that building long-term trusting connections should continue to be a top focus for all scientific advocates. “Going up to Ottawa once a year to speak with representatives just won’t cut it,” he told reporters. “You may as well not go. To truly establish a sense of trust, you must have a strategy and continue to hammer home your point. Ms. Dirwimmer’s goal is to mobilize the entire scientific community. “We’re far more likely to be heard as a group than if we’re just a few isolated individuals,” she said.

    Given the importance of communication in any scientific advisory approach, it’s no surprise that the third portion of the guide concentrates on the art of persuasion. Mr. Blanchette-Joncas believes that “keeping it short and sweet” is the most effective method to capture a politician’s attention. Provide short, evidence-based information, and strive to condense your message into something brief enough to read in a few minutes.”