Tag: scholarships in uk

  • 2024 University Of Montreal Scholarships For International Students

    2024 University Of Montreal Scholarships For International Students

    The University Of Montreal Scholarships supports international candidates in their university studies to benefit from an exemption from the tuition fees normally charged.

    Studying at UdeM gives you the chance to experience Montréal, one of the world’s top ten university cities. This bilingual and multi-ethnic metropolis is known for its cultural diversity that combines North American innovation with irresistible European charm.

    Type: Undergraduate, Masters, PhD

    Application Deadline:  February 1, 2024

    Value & Duration of Award:


    • Level A: $13,340.40 per year (2 sessions, equivalent to 30 credits) or $6,670.20 per session (15 credits) or $444.68 per credit
    • Level B: $6,357.60 per year (2 sessions, equivalent to 30 credits) or $3,178.80 per session (15 credits) or $211.92 per credit

    Master’s program:

    • Non-research: $10,474.65 per year (3 sessions, equivalent to 45 credits) or $3,491.55 per session (equivalent to 15 credits) or $232.77 per credit

    This amount is applied to tuition fees of $30,829.50 per year (45 credits)*.

    • Research: $10,347.75 per year (3 sessions, equivalent to 45 credits) or $3,449.25 per session (equivalent to 15 credits) or $229.95 per credit

    This amount is applied to tuition fees of $29,592 per year (45 credits)

    Ph.D program:

    • $22,241.25 per year (3 sessions, equivalent to 45 credits) or $7,413.75 per session (equivalent to 15 credits) or $494.25 per credit

    This amount is applied to the tuition fees of $26,562.60 per year (45 credits)

    Eligible Countries: International Countries

    Eligibility: To be considered for the University Of Montreal Scholarships, you must:

    • have received an offer of admission to a study program at UdeM as of Fall 2020
    • have valid study authorizations (CAQ and study permit) for all sessions of their study program. For more information, please see the web page on immigration procedures
    • be continuously enrolled full time (unless absence is approved) for their entire study program
    • not benefit from another form of tuition fee exemption
    • not enroll in an independent study program
    • not be admitted to the following undergraduate programs starting with the Winter 2024 session: certificate, major, minor, short program and preparatory year program for university studies

    How To Apply: Interested candidates should click on “Apply For This Scholarship” below

    Source: https://admission.umontreal.ca

  • Study-In-UK: 2023 University of London LLM Scholarships For International Students

    Study-In-UK: 2023 University of London LLM Scholarships For International Students

    University of London LLM Scholarships is to study for the Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma and/or the Master of Laws (LLM) by distance learning at the University of London in 2023.

    Applicants can start at any level, and do not need to complete the whole programme.

    Canon Collins Trust invites applications for scholarships to study for the Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma and/or the Master of Laws (LLM) by distance learning at the University of London in 2023. Applicants can start at any level, and do not need to complete the whole programme. For example, applicants can start at Postgraduate Certificate level and work their way through to the LLM, or can stop after completing the PG Certificate.

    Applicants who have completed an LLB degree may start at LLM level, skipping the PG Certificate and Diploma.


    In order to be eligible for a scholarship, applicants must be in possession of the necessary qualifications required for admission to the programme. Please see here information on the admission requirements of the university. Note that you do not need to be admitted to the programme before applying for the scholarship, but you will need to apply separately for admission if you are selected for a scholarship.

    Canon Collin’s Trust requires applicants for this scholarship to be:

    • a national of, or have refugee status in, one of the following countries: Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe
    • normally resident in one of these countries
    • in possession of the necessary qualifications required for admission to the programme
    • currently employed in full or part-time work;
    • able to commit a minimum of 10 hours to study per week.

    Duration and Benefits

    These scholarships are made possible by the generosity of University of London International Programmes which shall waive full tuition and examination entry fees for four scholarship recipients. Scholarship recipients have between 1 to 5 years to complete the qualification, however recipients are required to complete at least two modules per year. Continued registration on the course is dependent upon satisfactory progress and academic reports. For more information on the course please view the prospectus.

    The University of London and Canon Collins Trust will jointly select the recipients of this award.

    How to Apply

    Interested and qualified  candidates should apply using the button below or click this link

    Deadline: August 23rd, 2023

  • Apply for Commonwealth Professional Fellowships For Developing Countries, 2024

    Apply for Commonwealth Professional Fellowships For Developing Countries, 2024

    August 10, 2023

    Commonwealth Professional Fellowships are for mid-career professionals from low- and middle-income countries to spend a period at a UK Host organisation working in their sector for a programme of professional development.

    Application Deadline: 10th August 2023 by 4pm BST

    Purpose: To provide professionals with the opportunity to enhance knowledge and skills in their given sector, and to have catalytic effects on their workplaces.

    Intended beneficiaries: Mid-career professionals (with five years’ relevant work experience) working organisations in low and middle income Commonwealth countries.

    These fellowships are offered under six development themes:

    • Science and technology for development
    • Strengthening health systems and capacity
    • Promoting global prosperity
    • Strengthening global peace, security and governance
    • Strengthening resilience and response to crises
    • Access, inclusion and opportunity

    Eligibility: To be eligible for these Fellowships, prospective fellows must:

    • Be a citizen of or have been granted refugee status by an eligible Commonwealth country, or be a British Protected Person
    • Be permanently resident in an eligible Commonwealth country
    • Have at least five years’ full-time, or equivalent part-time, relevant work experience, in a profession related to the subject of the fellowship programme, by the proposed start of the fellowship – voluntary work experience will not be counted towards this minimum
    • Be in employment at the time of application at an organisation that they will return to upon completion of the fellowship
    • Provide at least two references, one of which must be from their current employer. Any applications for which references are not received by the reference closing date will be considered ineligible.
    • Not have undertaken a Commonwealth Professional Fellowship within the last five years (at the time of taking up the award)
    • Not be seeking to undertake an academic programme of research or study. Academics are eligible to apply for the scheme, but only to undertake programmes of academic management, not research or courses relevant to their research subject
    • Be available to undertake their fellowship from the prescribed start date

    In addition to the above, prospective fellows must ensure they meet any eligibility criteria set out by each individual host organisation.

    Eligible Countries: Developing countries

    Number of Awards: Up to 25 fellows (in total)

    Value & Duration of Award: Each Fellowship provides:

    • Approved return airfare from the Fellow’s home country to the UK
    • Reimbursement of the standard visa application fee
    • Stipend (living allowance) payable monthly (or pro rata) for the duration of the award at the rate of £1,944 per month, or £2,397 per month for those at organisations in the London metropolitan area (rates quoted at 2022/23 levels
    • If a Fellow declares a disability, a full assessment of needs and eligibility for additional financial support will be offered by the CSC. See the CSC disability support statement for more information
    • Arrival allowance of up to £1,061.10 (rates quoted at 2021/22 levels), including an element for warm clothing
    • A maximum of £3,000 per fellow can be agreed by host organisations for short courses/conferences as well as travel to visit other UK organisations where this forms an integral part of the programme. Host organisations should bear in mind the restrictions set out in our guidance on claimable costs.

    How to Apply:

    In the application form, prospective Fellows will be asked to:

    • List all undergraduate and postgraduate university qualifications obtained (where applicable)
    • List up to 10 publications and prizes (if applicable)
    • Provide details of your employment history and explain how each job is relevant to the programme you wish to undertake in the UK (up to 100 words per employment)
    • Provide a statement on the relevance of your previous work experience to the proposed fellowship (up to 300 words)
    • List names and positions of up to three referees who are qualified to comment on both your capacity to benefit from your proposed fellowship in the UK and your ability to deliver development impact afterwards. One of your referees must be your current employer

    Source: https://cscuk.fcdo.gov.uk

  • APPLY: University Of Birmingham Global Scholarships For International Students, 2023/24

    APPLY: University Of Birmingham Global Scholarships For International Students, 2023/24

    We are offering a generous Masters scholarship for international students, to ensure that concerns about finance do not present a barrier to students from a selection of countries considering study at the University.

    Type: Masters

    Application Deadline: To secure this scholarship candidates must have an unconditional offer, and have accepted this unconditional offer, by 31 August (23:59 UK time/ GMT+1). If candidates secure an unconditional offer after this, they will not be eligible for this scholarship.

    Value of Award: 2,000 Pounds

    Eligible Field of Study: Postgraduate programmes excluding MPhil, MRes, MMus and MLit are not eligible. PGDip and PGCert programmes are also not eligible.

    Eligible Countries: Bangladesh Cameroon Egypt Gambia, Ghana India Iran Kenya Malaysia Mexico Nigeria Pakistan South Africa Sri Lanka Tanzania, Thailand Turkey Uganda United Arab Emirates Vietnam Zambia Zimbabwe

    Eligibility: In order to be eligible, candidates must meet the following requirements. You must:

    • Have applied for, and receive an offer of admission for, a taught Masters degree at the University of Birmingham UK campus, to study in the 2023/24 academic year.
    • Be classed as ‘domiciled’ in one of the selected countries. Please see the list above.
    • Be classed by the University as an overseas fee payer for tuition fee purposes.
    • Start your studies at the University in September/ October 2023 on a full-time course delivered at the University’s UK campus.

    How To Apply: Postgraduate applications are made directly to the University. Some programmes may charge an application fee  This scholarship will be automatically offered to applicants who meet the criteria outlined above.

    To accept the scholarship, you will need to formally accept the offer you receive from the University’s Admissions Office, by the deadline stated on your offer. You can do this via the postgraduate portal.

    To fully secure the scholarship, you will also be required to pay the standard £2,000 (GBP) admissions deposit by the deadline set by the Admissions Office in your offer letter. (For the purposes of this scholarship selection process, your deposit must be paid by 31 August 23:59 UK time/ GMT+1).

    Source: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk

  • London South Bank University International Merit Scholarships 2024

    London South Bank University International Merit Scholarships 2024

    Courses Start:
    January 1, 2024
    November 30, 2023

    LSBU values the academic contribution that international students bring to the University. Through the International Merit Scholarship, LSBU aims to recognise and reward exceptional talent enabling academically strong candidates to take their studies to the next level with us.

    Type: Undergraduate, Postgraduate Taught Programmes

    Application Deadline: 30th November, 2023

    Value of Award: £3,000.

    Award Period:  Duration of candidate’s course

    Eligible Countries: International Countries

    Eligibility: To be eligible for an International Merit Scholarship, you must:

    • Hold a valid unconditional and current offer of a place for a full-time taught undergraduate degree or postgraduate taught degree programme beginning in September 2023 or January 2024.
    • Be classified as an Overseas Student for fee paying purposes. The programme must be a minimum of one year in duration and taught at LSBU.
    • Have achieved the Scholarship’s academic pre-requisites in the qualification being considered for entry, according to the Appendix in the Terms and Conditions (PDF File 62 KB).

    How To Apply:

    Simply apply for an undergraduate or postgraduate taught degree programme in the London South Bank University. The International Merit Scholarship is only available to new applicants for an LSBU undergraduate or postgraduate taught degree programme having met the above criteria. Current students will not be eligible.

    Source: https://www.lsbu.ac.uk


  • Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford University for International Students 2024

    Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford University for International Students 2024

    Rhodes Scholarship Fund
    Masters/PhD Degree

    Deadline: varies, July-Oct 2023 (annual)
    Study in: UK
    Course starts October 2023

    Brief description: 

    The Rhodes Scholarships are postgraduate awards supporting exceptional all-round students at the University of Oxford. Established in the will of Cecil Rhodes in 1902, the Rhodes is the oldest and perhaps the most prestigious international scholarship program in the world.

    Host Institution(s):

    Oxford University in UK

    Level/Fields of study:

    Subject to limited restrictions, Rhodes Scholars may study any full-time postgraduate degree at the University of Oxford.

    Number of Scholarships:

    A class of 95 Scholars is selected each year

    Target group:

    Australia, Bermuda, Canada, China, Commonwealth Caribbean (Anguilla, Antigua, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Montserrat, St Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent, Trindad and Tobago, and, the Turks and Caicos Islands), East Africa (Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Sudan and Burundi), Germany, Hong Kong SAR, India, Israel, Jamaica, Kenya, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Southern Africa (South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia and eSwatini), Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine,  United Arab Emirates, United States (50 states of the US, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories of American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands), West Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, the island of Saint Helena, Senegal, Sierra Leone, São Tomé and Principe and Togo), Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

    Scholarship value/inclusions/duration:

    A Rhodes Scholarship covers all University and College fees, a living stipend of £18,180 per annum (AY 2022/23); settling in allowance, health insurance, visa, two economy class flights – to and from the UK – for the beginning and end of studies in Oxford.

    The detailed Conditions of Tenure document outlines permitted combinations of degrees, and how many years of study are covered by the Scholarship.


    The following eligibility criteria apply to all applicants for the Rhodes Scholarships:

    • Citizenship & residency: Each applicant must fulfil the citizenship and residency requirements of the Rhodes constituency for which they are applying.

    • Age: You must be aged 18-24 on 1st October 2023 (i.e. you must have been born after 1 October 1998 and on or before 2 October 2005)

    OR (for older candidates who completed their first undergraduate degree later than usual)

    You must be under the age of 27 on 1st October 2023 (i.e. have been born after 1 October 1996) AND you must also have completed your first undergraduate degree on or after 1 October 2022*

    • Education: Applicants must have completed an undergraduate degree (normally a Bachelor’s degree) with an academic background and grade that is a First Class Honours Degree or equivalent which meets or exceeds the specific entry requirements of your chosen full-time course at the University of Oxford.

    • English Language: You must have a sufficiently high standard of English to meet the University of Oxford’s English language proficiency requirements (at the Higher Level listed).

    Please see the country-specific eligibility requirements at this link.

    Application instructions:

    All candidates for the Scholarship should read the information about the Scholarships in the country-specific page to read the application criteria, eligibility requirements, and deadline specific to their country. Deadline varies per country but is around July-October 2023.

    It is important to read the how to apply page and visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


    Official Scholarship Website: https://www.rhodeshouse.ox.ac.uk/scholarships/the-rhodes-scholarship/

  • DeepMind Scholarships for International Students at Queen Mary University of London, UK – 2023

    DeepMind Scholarships for International Students at Queen Mary University of London, UK – 2023

    The DeepMind Scholarships at Queen Mary University of London is a programme to support and encourage underrepresented groups to pursue a degree programme in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Computer Science.

    The scholarships are for female and/or black students as these students are currently underrepresented in these areas of study.

    Application Deadline: 5 June 2023

    Eligible Countries: International

    Type: Masters

    Value of Award: Each DeepMind Scholarship will cover the cost of tuition fees, £12,250 (International fees – £28,950), a living allowance of £15,480, an annual £2,200 travel scholarship and a one-off equipment grant of £1,700.

    Number of Awards: Five

    Eligible Field of Studies: MSc in Artificial Intelligence (FT) MSc in Computer Science (FT) MSc in Machine Learning for Visual Data Analytics (FT) MSc Computer Games (FT)

    Eligibility: The applicants must meet all the given criteria:

    • The bursaries are for female and/or black students as these students are currently underrepresented in these areas of study
    • Be a UK, EU or International student
    • Identify as female or have one of the following categories of ethnicity: Black African; Black Caribbean; Black Other; Mixed – White and Black Caribbean; Mixed – White and Black African; or another mixed background (to include Black African, Black Caribbean or Black Other).
    • Have a confirmed offer to study on one of the following programmes in September 2023: MSc in Artificial Intelligence (Full Time), MSc Computer Science (FT), MSc in Machine Learning for Visual Data Analytics (FT), an MSc in Computer Games (FT) at Queen Mary University of London.

    How to Apply: Applicants must have to take admission in the master’s degree programme at the university. Complete and submit the application form to ioc@qmul.ac.uk. The application form is available to download here: 2023_The DeepMind MSc application Form.


    Source: www.qmul.ac.uk

  • APPLY: Dean of BPP Law School Scholarship, U.K 2023

    APPLY: Dean of BPP Law School Scholarship, U.K 2023

    Aimed at high achieving students who can demonstrate an outstanding standard of academic achievement and commitment to their legal career.

    Value of Award: Full Fee

    Application Deadline: 23:59 on 13 July 2023

    Eligibility: To be eligible for this scholarship, candidates must have completed and submitted their single scholarship application by the relevant deadline date.

    Application Criteria: To apply, you must meet ALL of the following minimum criteria:

    • You must have submitted an application to study at BPP University;
    • You must have applied for a scholarship by the relevant deadline stated below;
    • To be considered for the Career Commitment Scholarship, the list price of the course you have applied for must be at least £9,500;
    • You must have achieved a minimum of a 2:1 degree result or equivalent (or 2:2 with evidence of mitigating circumstances, reviewed on a case-by-case basis);
    • You must not hold full fees sponsorship for the course from elsewhere (e.g. an employer or one of the Inns of Court); and
    • You must not have already been awarded another BPP scholarship with a value of £2,000 or more.

    Source: https://www.bpp.com

  • Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarships for Students in Commonwealth Countries – 2023

    Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarships for Students in Commonwealth Countries – 2023

    Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarships give talented students from anywhere in the Commonwealth countries the opportunity to gain a degree, while developing new skills, experiencing life in another country, and building their global networks.

    Through cultural exchange and academic collaboration, Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholars help bring about positive change and find solutions to the shared challenges we face – both in their home countries and those that host them. As an active part of the Commonwealth network, scholars will help shape its future.

    Application Deadline: 24th May 2023

    Eligible Countries: Commonwealth countries

    Type: Masters

    Value of Award: Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarships offer a life-changing opportunity for cultural exchange and academic collaboration in unique environments across the globe

    Award allowances include:

    • Fully-funded tuition fees
    • Living expenses (stipend) for the duration of the award
    • Return economy flight
    • One-off arrival allowance
    • Research support grant (on request)

    Duration of Programme: 2 years

    Number of Awards: 9


    • Applicants must be a citizen of (or hold refugee status in) a Commonwealth country other than the country hosting the award.
    • Applicants must have completed an undergraduate degree at a 2:1 equivalent level.
    • Applicants need to provide proof of English language ability if English is not your first language.

    How to Apply: Before submitting an application, please review the available courses and entry requirements above – in addition to the application guidanceFor more information, please read the FAQs.

    If you already have a MyACU account, you can access the grant application form here.

    If you do not already have a MyACU account, please ensure that you first register for an account here and then follow the instructions in the registration email to log in to the system before accessing the application form.


    Source: www.acu.ac.uk

  • Scholarships in Ophthalmology, University of Edinburgh, UK -2023

    Scholarships in Ophthalmology, University of Edinburgh, UK -2023

    Twelve online learning Masters scholarships are available in the field of Ophthalmology for students from Africa, Central and South Asia, Caribbean Islands, Pacific Islands, Central and Latin America who have been accepted for admission to the two-year, part-time online ChM (Master of Surgery) in Clinical Ophthalmology in academic session 2023-2024.

    Application Deadline: Thursday 1st June 2023 23:59 BST.

    Type: Masters

    Number of Awards: Twelve

    Value of Awards: Each scholarship will cover the tuition fee for the entire programme of study and funding towards a laptop and internet service. The award is tenable for two academic years, subject to academic progress.

    Eligibility: To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants should;

    • be senior trainees/residents/registrars in ophthalmology.  Applications from early career ophthalmologists may also be considered.

    Eligible Countries: Six scholarships will be allocated to eligible candidates from member countries of The College of Ophthalmology of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (COECSA) (Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Sudan (Republic), Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia). In addition, six scholarships will be allocated to eligible candidates from the other countries listed below:

    AlgeriaColombiaHondurasMozambiqueSri Lanka
    AzerbaijanCongo (Democratic Republic)Ivory CoastNicaraguaSwaziland
    BangladeshCosta RicaKazakhstanNigerTajikistan
    BeninEast Timor (Timor Leste)KyrgyzstanPakistanThailand
    BoliviaEcuadorLaos [Lao PDR]PanamaTogo
    BrazilEl SalvadorLiberiaPeruTurkmenistan
    Brunei [Brunei Darussalam]Equatorial GuineaLibyaPhilippinesUganda
    Burkina (Burkina Faso)EritreaMadagascarRwandaUkraine
    Burma [Myanmar]EthiopiaMalawiSao Tome and PrincipeUruguay
    CambodiaGambia, TheMaliSeychellesVenezuela
    CameroonGhanaMauritaniaSierra LeoneVietnam
    Cape VerdeGuatemalaMauritiusSingaporeZambia
    Central African RepublicGuineaMexicoSomaliaZimbabwe
    ChadGuinea-BissauMongoliaSouth Africa
    ChileGuyanaMoroccoSouth Sudan

    Also eligible are applicants (nationals and residents) of the:

    Caribbean Islands

    Pacific Islands

    Criteria: Selection is based on academic merit and the personal statement in which you describe your current contribution to your country’s local and national ophthalmology development plans and how you will use the scholarship to further contribute to the development of ophthalmology services in your country.

    Successful applicants will be committed to working in their country’s ophthalmology service on completion of their studies; to using their new found skills to further enhance and develop the service; and to fostering clinical and academic links between their country’s medical universities, ophthalmology teaching hospitals and research institutes and The University of Edinburgh.

    How to Apply:

    1. Complete an online EUCLID application for the ChM (Master of Surgery) in Clinical Ophthalmology – instructions on full application process can be found on the University’s degree finder page here.  Wait for decision on application via EUCLID.
    2. If eligible to join the course, you will be given a conditional or unconditional offer, which you must accept prior to applying for a scholarship.
    3. Apply online for the scholarship via the Edinburgh Surgery Online (ESO) website’s Scholarships section

    Notification: All applicants will be notified of the outcome by the end of July 2023. Please note that acceptance for admission to the ChM does not guarantee acceptance for a scholarship. The admission and scholarship applications are two separate online application processes.

    Source: https://www.ed.ac.uk


  • Department of Mathematics Scholarship Award at University of Manchester, UK – 2023

    Department of Mathematics Scholarship Award at University of Manchester, UK – 2023

    Are you an international student who is willing to turn your dreams into a reality? If yes, then apply for this opportunity.

    The studentship program is open for domestic and international students undertaking study in a program of 3.5 years in Mathematics.

    Application Deadline: Applications are accepted all year round

    Eligible Countries: International

    Type: Postgraduate research

    Value of Award:

    • Home Students: Tuition Fees and Maintenance.
    • International Students: Tuition Fees Only.

    Number of Awards: Up to 10

    Eligible Field of Studies: The scholarship will be awarded for 3.5 year PhD program in Mathematics.


    • Applicants must be international students who are accepted as candidates for a PhD degree at the University of Manchester.
    • Applicants from outside the UK usually need to meet specific English language requirements in order to study at the University of Manchester.

    How to Apply: Apply Here!


    Source: www.manchester.ac.uk

  • 100% Allan & Nesta Ferguson Scholarships at University of Sheffield, UK 2023

    100% Allan & Nesta Ferguson Scholarships at University of Sheffield, UK 2023

    The Allan & Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust is offering scholarship opportunities to Individuals who want to undergo a degree program at the University of Sheffield, UK.

    There are four scholarships available to academically strong individuals from developing countries. Each scholarship offers the following:

    • A full tuition fee waiver
    • Maintenance for University accommodation and a monthly stipend

    Application Deadline: Friday 5 May 2023

    Eligible Countries: 

    Burkina Faso
    Cabo Verde
    Central African Republic
    Côte d’Ivoire
    Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
    Democratic Republic of the Congo
    El Salvador
    Equatorial Guinea
    Lao People’s Democratic Republic
    Papua New Guinea
    Sao Tome and Principe
    Sierra Leone
    Solomon Islands
    South Sudan
    Sri Lanka
    Syrian Arab Republic
    West Bank and Gaza Strip

    Eligible Field Of Study:

    • International Development MA
    • Environmental Change and International Development MSc
    • International Development (Masters in Public Health) MPH
    • International Law and Global Justice LLM
    • International Political Economy MA
    • Global Journalism MA
    • International Public and Political Communication MA
    • Intercultural Communication MA

    Type: Masters

    Number of Scholarship: Four (4)

    Value of Scholarship: Each Allan and Nesta Ferguson Scholarship covers tuition fees in full and provides a maintenance grant.

    Duration of Scholarship: For one year

    EligibilityTo be eligible for this scholarship program, applicants must:

    • be citizens of the above mentioned countries.
    • have completed their bachelors degree program.
    • have applied for a course of study at University of Sheffield.
    • be classified as overseas for tuition fee purposes.
    • be self-funded to receive this award

    How to Apply: Once you have applied for a course of study, you will be automatically considered for this scholarship.

    Please use the postgraduate online application system to submit your application for an eligible course.

    Source: www.sheffield.ac.uk

  • International Scholarship at University of Greenwich, UK – 2023

    International Scholarship at University of Greenwich, UK – 2023

    The University of Greenwich is offering a tuition fee discount worth up to £3,000 in the first year to individuals who are willing to study a degree program at the Institution.

    Why study at the University of Greenwich? It is possible for students to achieve their professional goals and ambitions at this institution. You can boost your career with the support of the university by taking advantage of its interesting chances to build skills and earn useful experience.

    Application Deadline: 

    • Sunday 28 May 2023
    • Sunday 25 June 2023
    • Sunday 27 August 2023
    • Sunday 29 October 2023
    • Sunday 26 November 2023

    Eligible Countries: International

    Type: Undergraduate

    Value of Award: £3,000

    Number of Awards: Not Known


    • You have been offered a place to begin a course in September 2022 or January 2023.
    • You will pay fees at the international rate.
    • You should provide evidence of English language ability: IELTS, TOEFL, or other acceptable proof

    How to Apply: Interested students are required to enroll in the undergraduate degree programme at the university. Applicants must apply for the award by filling out the Application form.


    Source: www.gre.ac.uk

  • Quantity Surveying Scholarship at Glasgow Caledonian University, UK – 2023

    Quantity Surveying Scholarship at Glasgow Caledonian University, UK – 2023

    School of Computing, Engineering and Built Environment (SCEBE) is delighted to offer 2 scholarships worth £4,000 each available to applicants who are paying international fees joining our Quantity Surveying course commencing 2023/2024 academic year.

    Application Deadline: 30 June 2023

    Eligible Countries: International

    Type: Masters

    Value Of Scholarships: £4,000

    Number of Scholarships: Two

    Eligibility: Any International fee paying student who has an offer to study

    How to Apply: Click here to Apply


    Source: www.gcu.ac.uk

  • Excellence in STEM Scholarships at University of Warwick, UK – 2023

    Excellence in STEM Scholarships at University of Warwick, UK – 2023

    The University of Warwick will award two scholarships to outstanding applicants to one of the one-year taught Global Decarbonisation and Climate Change courses.

    The scholarship is intended to facilitate access to Master’s level study for academically gifted students who may otherwise experience difficulty in progressing to postgraduate study.

    Application Deadline: 23:59 BST Sunday 21 May 2023

    Eligible Countries: International

    Type: Masters

    Value of Awards: £10,000 for overseas students (including EU) and £5,000 for Home Students.

    Number of Awards: Two

    Eligible Field of Studies: There is one overseas and one home award across the MSc Global Decarbonisation and Climate Change MSc courses:

    Eligibility: To apply for this scholarship, you must:

    • Be self-funded*
    • Be classed as a ‘Home, or ‘overseas’ or ‘international-fee paying’ student for tuition fee purposes
    • Have submitted an application by 21 May 2023 and have firmly accepted an offer by 3 July 2023 to study MSc Global Decarbonisation and Climate Change (any pathway)
    • Have met the English language requirement of the master’s programme you have applied.

    How to Apply: There is no application process for this scholarship. All eligible applicants will automatically considered for 2023 entry and successful awardees will be notified no later than 17 July 2023

    If you have any questions regarding this scholarship, please contact, scholars@warwick.ac.uk.


    Source: warwick.ac.uk

  • Apply for 2023 Anne Rowling Clinic Regenerative Neurology Scholarships at University of Edinburgh, UK

    Apply for 2023 Anne Rowling Clinic Regenerative Neurology Scholarships at University of Edinburgh, UK

    Applications are invited for the Anne Rowling Clinic Regenerative Neurology Scholarship program which is awarded to Individuals commencing Stem Cells and Translational Neurology programmes in the academic year 2023-2024.

    Application Deadline: Monday 21st August 2023

    Eligible Countries: View Countries here

    Type: Masters

    Number of Awards: Three

    Eligibility: To be eligible for this scholarship program, applicants must:

    • have accepted for admission on to the online learning postgraduate Certificate, Diploma, or Masters Stem Cell and Translational Neurology programme at the University of Edinburgh for the 2023-2024 academic session.
    • have completed their bachelors degree program
    • have excellent results from previous educational programs.

    How to Apply: For information on how to apply please contact the Stem Cells and Translational Neurology programme directly at stemcell-msc@ed.ac.uk

    Source: www.ed.ac.uk