Tag: Social Media

  • North Carolina School Removes Bathroom Mirrors to Get Kids Off TikTok

    North Carolina School Removes Bathroom Mirrors to Get Kids Off TikTok

    To reduce TikTok use among kids, a North Carolina middle school removed washroom mirrors.

    In 2021, school administrators reported that TikTok difficulties were harming pupils and staff, leading to class cancellations and increased security measures.

    It had an impact on attendance and production at Southern Alamance Middle School in Graham, North Carolina. According to Les Atkins, a spokesperson for the Alamance-Burlington School System, students at the Burlington-area school were making TikTok videos and using the restroom for extended lengths of time.

    According to the school, some pupils used the restroom up to nine times per day, primarily to film the videos.

    Since the mirrors were removed earlier this month, the school has observed a “drastic decrease” in bathroom use.

    Southern Alamance decided to take a different approach than other schools across the country, some of which have completely banned cell phones. Some parents, kids, and education advocates have argued against this for a variety of reasons, the most prominent of which being safety concerns.

    Last year, there were another record number of school shootings. Many parents wish to keep the line of communication with their children open, not just in the event of an emergency, but also to ensure that they can reach their children logistically when necessary.

    Atkins told Business Insider that safety was a top issue for parents with children at Southern Alamance. The administration acknowledged this, but had a different solution in mind.

    According to Atkins, Southern Alamance staff feels that its students need to learn how to be responsible with electronics, and that removing them denies them this opportunity. Furthermore, technology must be in place to verify that all pupils are properly accounted for. The middle school utilizes a “digital hall pass system” to track its students’ whereabouts throughout the day, he explained.

    “The pass allows students to check in and out when leaving class, so we know where they are at all times for safety and accountability,” Atkins told Business Insider.