Tag: Tu Futuro Scholarship

  • “Tu Futuro” Scholarship Application Process is Underway

    “Tu Futuro” Scholarship Application Process is Underway

    Ramon Garcia and Emelia Santa Maria, first-year UHD students, have direct knowledge of the “Tu Futuro” (or “Your Future”) scholarship program.

    They were informed that they were finalists for the full-ride scholarship at a ceremony in April of last year. Aware that only one would be chosen, they were shocked—and relieved—to learn that both had been awarded the four-year scholarship to attend UHD in 2023.

    For the fourth year running, UHD and Univision Houston—the top media organizations in the region, regardless of language—are teaming up to provide the Tu Futuro scholarship program.

    Current Houston-area high school seniors are eligible to apply for Tu Futuro; one local student will receive a complete scholarship that will pay for a four-year undergraduate degree at UHD.

    Before February 25, 2024, students are urged to register and submit an application. The winner of the Tu Futuro scholarship will be chosen in March 2024, and it will be given to them in April. Including an essay on “How A College Scholarship Will Help Me Positively Impact My Community” is a crucial requirement.

    To register, for additional information, and to complete the scholarship rules, visit univisionhoustonbeca.com.